Case Studies
Inspection · Rehabilitation · Engineering
Effective Alternative to Infrastructure Replacement
Faced with the steep costs and long timelines of traditional steel tower replacements, the utility set out to find a smarter, more efficient path
Powering Reliability: A Comprehensive Solution to Cable Diagnostics
One major challenge? Underground cable system. Discover how LUS is tackling aging infrastructure and harsh climates.
A Strategy for Attachment request challenges
Rising broadband expansion has doubled pole attachment demand, requiring utilities to navigate modifications and cost responsibilities.
Scaling Operations to Manage Overwhelming Attachment Demand
Northern Kentucky, the cooperative faced a sudden surge of over 4,000 joint-use attachment requests
Substation Expansion Helps Utility Meet Increased Demand
Discover how LCEC partnered with Osmose to power the energy boom with upgraded infrastructure and reliability for over 16,000 meters.
Improving Grid Resiliency with the Tough Truss Core®
Osmose engineers created, tested, and launched designs allowing for a larger range of placement options on weakened poles.
The Value of Factory Grade® Underground Cable Scanning
When a leading renewable energy site developer experienced several outages following a wind farm site commissioning, they needed to get to the root of the issue.
Improve Reliability with Underground Cable Testing Program
Despite efforts to replace aging cables, a utility's costs soared by 250%. Learn more about a cost-effective solution and strategy.
Keeping the Power on
in the Harshest Conditions
In Northern Manitoba, maintaining utility poles is crucial due to the harsh environment that can lead to rapid pole rot, strength loss, and overall lifespan.
Saving Costs with Capitalized Cable Assessment Program
Are you replacing an average of 35 cables? Learn how utilities are using IMCORP’s® Factory Grade® Power Cable Scanning Technology in this case study.
Osmose Improves Grid Resilience for Canadian Utility
A utility's first inspection revealed many poles at risk of failure due to harsh weather, leading the company to turn to Osmose for solutions.
Keeping an Eye on Remote Steel Structures
8 steel poles within the wetlands required a specialized steel foundation system. Unfortunately, testing showed the systems would be depleted well before expected.
Enhancing Public Safety with the Osmose Vault Program
20 years ago in a major U.S. city, a woman was electrocuted while rescuing her convulsing dog from a metal utility service box that had unknowingly become energized.
Complex Lake Crossing Tower Restoration
The steel H-piles and concrete foundations at the water level were compromised. A major weather event could be disastrous.
Fire Protection Saves Utility Poles and Millions of Dollars
ArmorBuilt® Wildfire Shield proved its mettle in safeguarding critical power infrastructure even in the face of Canadian wildfires.
Finding Invisible Streetlight
Faults Makes Streets Safer
The city's streetlights have deteriorated over the years. With the power company took over, there is an urgent need to evaluate the condition of the 10,000 poles.
Aerial Services Ensure Reliability for Lebanon Utilities
With a population of less than 17,000, Lebanon is a small city. Still, the cost of bringing energy reliability threatened to escalate into the millions.
Detailed Modeling Creates
Path to Resilience
While inspecting a utility’s transmission network in 2017, an Osmose assessment crew encountered a lattice tower with significant corrosion at its base.
Wood Pole Life Extension
Program Transformation
A Midwest utility company understands the importance of a strong transmission system. However, budget constraints have compromised their effectiveness.
Post-Storm Assessment Program for Electric Cooperative
An electric SE coop was hit by a winter ice storm. Osmose was the first group called to help get the power back on and perform a post-storm inspection.
Cooperative Prepares for Broadband Pole Attachments
Internet access has become central to American life and commerce, yet 63 percent of rural American homes lacked a broadband connection.
Building a Steel Asset Assessment Program on a Budget
In a short amount of time, Osmose assessed MLGW's entire system and helped develop a cost-effective, risk reduction program.
Turnkey Multi-Program Pole Assessment Services
Osmose worked consultatively with a utility to develop a detailed program that covered the entire pole plant of structures.
Broadband Build Out and
Make-Ready at Wisconsin Cooperative
Osmose placed engineers on the ground within days of approval from PPCS making special provisions for the late winter.
Preparing Grid Structures for Hurricane Season
With over 150,000 power poles stretched across the state, the electric utility needed to analyze each pole to ensure the best value for their investment.
Pole Splicing Project Profile
Reversing the effects of corrosion and restoring steel pole strength without interruption to service.
Osmose Helps Cable Provider Expand National Footprint
Bringing internet connectivity to all New Yorkers is an ambitious goal and New York has committed money and resources to achieve it.
Steel Pole Forensic Investigation
Osmose inspected a catastrophic incident causing thousands of customers to lose power on one of the coldest nights of the year.
City Identifies Energized Streetlights Before Harm Is Done
Read how Palmdale engaged Osmose to deploy highly trained crews from its Power Survey™ service to scan the city for contact voltage.
Northeast Utility Concrete Foundation Restoration
Increasing asset resiliency and reducing risk for one of the largest utilities in the Northeast.
Mississippi CARES Act Broadband Deployment
Mississippi electric cooperatives leverage Osmose expertise to rapidly deploy a broadband plan for rural communities.
Fiber Buildout Pre-Construction Make-Ready at Central REC
Central REC embarked on a five-year, five-phase project to bring high-speed internet to at least 18,000 locations including schools and businesses.
Custom Wood H-Frame Transmission Pole Restoration Solutions
Two utilities requested solutions to restore H-frame wood transmission poles in unusual environmental conditions.
Steel Structure Cyclical Assessment Program
A utility in the Southeast initiated a pilot assessment project to determine the below-grade condition of their transmission system.
Guyed Mast Tower Restoration in Protected Wetland
Restorations were needed on 69 different foundations supporting 230 kV guyed mast towers running through a protected wetland.
Rural Fiber Build Out and Make-Ready at Cumberland EMC
Cumberland recognized a need for broadband services where members were underserved. Before construction could begin, poles were evaluated.
Osmose Solution Quickly Identifies Hazardous Condition in Schoolyard
Contact voltage trucks using the Power Survey solution identified a large energized steel fence near a schoolyard playground.
Pole Restoration at Wiregrass Electric Cooperative
Wiregrass Electric Cooperative considered the benefits of pole restoration, including the opportunity to capitalize the investment.
Ohio Electric Cooperative and Sonic Inspection
Osmose inspected 36 poles on Ohio Electric Cooperative's distribution system that were previously inspected by another company.