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Osmose Improves Grid Resilience for Canadian Utility

The Situation

Canada PR CS

The Canadian Province of Ontario covers more than 415,000 square miles – an area encompassing both wild and rocky terrain and suburban neighborhoods. One of the province’s utilities distributes power across a substantial area, and is responsible for millions of wooden power poles and enough power lines to wrap around the world three times.

But the utility’s distribution network is showing signs of its exposure to the region’s summer heatwaves and sub-arctic climate. A first pass inspection of the utility’s wood pole distribution structures indicated that many of the poles are in danger of failure. And with an ever-increasing frequency of adverse weather events, shoring up those structures has become a priority for the company.

The utility faced the daunting task of changing out tens of thousands of poles, with estimates ranging as high as $20,000 each with limited labor resources, increasing pole shortages and limited time.

Instead, they turned to Osmose.

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