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Make-Ready Engineering Services

Pole owners are faced with many challenges in today’s broadband environment. These challenges place a strain on engineers and administrators to respond with the expertise required within prescribed timeframes. Osmose make-ready survey and design services help pole owners and third-party applicants solve these challenges and others, which include:

  • Reductions in workforce and increased workloads due to continued broadband buildouts
  • Lack of experienced resources preventing integration of pole loading into your program
  • Increased requests from third-party applicants seeking to gain approval to attach
  • Difficulty in tracking permitting costs, which are often not fully recovered from the applicant
  • Inconsistently performed post-construction reviews, potentially adding risk to your system
  • Ensuring systems of record are updated for proper billing
  • Applicant pressure to meet FCC-mandated timeframes

For more than 25 years, Osmose has supported attachment request applications (wireless and wireline) and helped manage and meet deadlines with accurate, comprehensive analysis, and make-ready engineering services, including:

  • Application process review and streamlining
  • Efficient review of incoming applications for completeness
  • Make-ready field surveys, designs, and cost estimates
  • Pole loading analysis
  • Clearance analysis
  • Timely application reviews
  • Transfer coordination
  • Ensuring systems of record are updated properly
  • Post construction audits

Osmose has decades of experience working with both providers and pole owners. Over the past two years:

Poles surveyed and assessed for make-ready and delivered to providers to support fiber deployments

Third-party application poles surveyed and assessed for make-ready and processed for pole owners

Why Partner with Osmose for Make-Ready Engineering Services?

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Osmose deploys technology that supports faster surveys and assessments, ultimately assisting with faster deployment.

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Osmose visits millions of poles annually, confirming our ability to scale to any size broadband project.

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Osmose applies the latest technology to deliver accuracy and quality required by pole owners.

Osmose Minimize Project Risk by Providing a Turnkey Solution

Complete make-ready field surveys. Detailed pole models with accurate measurements driven by Osmose’s OsmoVision® technology. Crews can safely measure all pole attachments and conductor sizes and verify measurements in the office to perform quality control and quickly resolve design discrepancies.

Assess the impact of new attachments on pole load. Low-cost load screening identifies new overload issues. For poles that fail screening, our industry-leading O-Calc® Pro software can perform a comprehensive load analysis and provide detailed make-ready recommendation reports.

Deliver a “complete” design to construction. Osmose has extensive experience developing designs in the power space, as well as the communications space.

Satisfy construction standards. Designs adhere to both National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) requirements and the utility’s construction standards for all electrical work and reconfiguration of power associated with pole replacements.

Perform post-construction audits. Verifying the proper installation of equipment and cables on overhead structures and updating work management records to reflect the "as built" condition is a critical component of maintaining a safe and reliable system.

Effective cost-recovery and data management. Ensure all allowable costs from applicants are recovered and the quality of your data improves through Osmose services. 

Osmose can manage the entire process as a turnkey solution or provide individual components as needed to most efficiently support your needs.


Get a free, no-obligation consultation with an Osmose make-ready survey and design expert.


Osmose Innovative Tools and Technologies


Osmose 360® for Joint Use

Osmose 360 for Joint Use is designed to provide pole owners a common platform for attachers to submit and track applications for attachment or as a project tracking tool to review the status of make-ready projects where the pole owner is deploying their own fiber. Combined with easy to read status dashboards and reports, Osmose 360 for Joint Use ensures all stakeholders are fully connected
throughout the attachment process, eliminating confusion about status and allowing for easy monitoring of performance and deadlines.



OsmoVision is an industry-leading technology solution designed to effectively transform accurate LiDAR point clouds, pole images, and GPS into actionable data to improve the integrity and reliability of your distribution network and to improve the application for attachment process for telecommunication providers.