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Allowable Strut Load for Sidewalk Struts Plugin

The Allowable Strut Load for Sidewalk Struts plugin allows you to enter a table of allowable strut loads as a function of both strut diameter and strut length. When the plugin is activated and an O-Calc Pro ‘Note’ is on the ‘GuyBrace’ object, the plugin will automatically fill in the “Allowable Str.

Insulator Tools Plugin

The Insulator Tools plugin allows you to set insulator load capacities and then report on the capacity utilization of each individual insulator. While many safety standards (NESC 2023, CSA) do not require this insulator load check, the GO95 standards within California do. With the Insulator Tools p.

V6.02 Updates

You can view a PDF copy of the 6.02 Release Notes here:

Version 6.01 Minor Update v2.0

New Features

Version 6.01 Minor Update v1.0

New Features

V6.01 Updates

Modeling Non-Wood Poles

While O-Calc Pro provides a number of non-wood poles as part of our available catalogs, it may be necessary to create custom poles from scratch. O-Calc is capable of modeling metal, concrete and composite poles. Unlike wood poles, non-wood pole properties are specified by the manufacturer of the po.

Managing Catalogs

One of the central concepts in O-Calc Pro is the use of the catalog. The catalog stores assemblies, stores objects, stores the components that you uses to build up your pole model and perform your analysis. While O-Calc Pro offers numerous catalogs for download, it may not be convenient to have all.

Connectivity in O-Calc Pro Line Design

Among the new features included in O-Calc Pro Line Design is the notion of connectivity. This version deviates from previous versions in that when entire circuits are modeled, spans that run from pole to pole can remain connected, or linked. This allows for global edits to be made to a span, withou.

Understanding the O-Calc Pro Line Analysis Report

With the release of O-Calc Pro version 6.0, also known as O-Calc Pro Line Design, a new report can be generated. This report analyzes an entire line of poles based on wind parameters that are set by the user. More information about generating this report can be found in the O-Calc Pro Line Design U.