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O-Calc® Pro

Utilizing Table Driven Tension

In O-Calc there are a number of options available to customize the tension on a span. These options can be found by selecting a span, and selecting the Tension Sag filter in the Data Entry Window.

Pin Insulator Line End Fitting – Clamped V. Free

The O-Calc Pro master catalog includes a number of options regarding types of insulators that may be used for modeling accurately. Among these options are Pin insulators, which can be set in O-Calc to either be free or clamped; essentially either allowing the tensions among the attached spans to eq.

Installing Optional Plugins in O-Calc Pro

While version 5.0.2 of O-Calc includes a set of plugins, it may be beneficial to add additional functionality by downloading, installing, and enabling plugins that aren’t included with the initial installer.

Accessing FEA data, resonant frequency analysis

For any ordinary type of standard analysis tasks, and even for the bulk of advanced tasks O-Calc Pro has reports and tools provided for you to use. On occasion however there will be some form of analysis or manipulation that requires deep and advanced access to elements or calculated values. In thi.

Fast indexing of PPLX data

One of the tasks that sometimes comes up during plugin development is the need to rapidly parse and spatially index a large number of PPLX files.

Differences between O-Calc and hand calculations

When comparing O-Calc to simplified hand calculations it is sometimes surprising to find that there can be some differences.

Performing Lens Calibration on a New Camera

O-Calc Pro is equipped with a fully functional monoscopic photogrammetry subsystem that allows for extremely precise measurements to be made from photographs. Unlike the less accurate systems sometimes used by alternative pole loading tools this system uses a precise model of the lens stack on a pa.

Using the Working Data Store (WDS)

When creating a plugin, report, or script in O-Calc Pro it is helpful to be able to store information such as state, history, or keys identifying external data sources directly in the PPLX elements. O-Calc Pro provides a mechanism for this in the form of the Working Data Store (WDS).

Multiple reports from a single report definition

It is often the case that there might be two (or more) versions of a report in O-Calc Pro. For example a summary version and a detailed version, or a text only version and a version that includes images or charts (see ). Rather.

Implementing a Bulk Summary Report

In O-Calc Pro there exists the concept of a “Bulk Summary Report”. This is a report where a compact bit of information for each of a collection of poles (as determined through the batch report system) is added to a single report page. This is as opposed to the normal report where each pole is repre.