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O-Calc® Pro

Analysis Reports Explained

Google Earth Capture Clipboard Feature

When utilizing the Google Earth Plugin in O-Calc Pro, it is possible to plot the location of a structure or render the structure in 3D in Google Earth. The first step towards doing this would be to ensure that the google earth plugin is enabled. This can be checked by opening O-Calc and navigating .

Troubleshooting User Catalog Data Path

Initially, O-Calc Pro has a Master Catalog and a User Catalog available to the user. The User catalog allows the user to store poles, assemblies and individual components that are used frequently. Any items added to the User catalog should be saved automatically and available every time the applica.

Modifying Capacity Thresholds

In O-Calc Pro, the capacity display window indicates how much of a pole’s capacity is being utilized by the spans, equipment, and other attachments on the structure. By default, the capacity meter remains in the green as long as the capacity being utilized is 80% or less. Then between 80-90%, the c.

Pole Info Point

There are a number of ways to view capacity utilization in O-Calc Pro. Within the Capacity Display Window, the user may view the capacity as a percentage or as a numeric display that includes bending moment values for the pole. This window displays the bending moment for the entire pole. However, i.

Overturn Moment

A number of attributes exist within O-Calc Pro that allow the user to model a structure more accurately. In regards to the pole itself, all of the attributes that can be modified are found in the data entry window. This window displays a pole’s attributes when a pole is selected in the inventory wi.

Modifying Cable Attributes by Specs

In the O-Calc Master catalog, there are a variety of span types of varying sizes and specifications. However, there may be a situation in which a wire is not included in this catalog. To accurately model a cable that is not included in a catalog, it is possible to adjust a few key attributes of an .

Utilizing Table Driven Tension

In O-Calc there are a number of options available to customize the tension on a span. These options can be found by selecting a span, and selecting the Tension Sag filter in the Data Entry Window.

Pin Insulator Line End Fitting – Clamped V. Free

The O-Calc Pro master catalog includes a number of options regarding types of insulators that may be used for modeling accurately. Among these options are Pin insulators, which can be set in O-Calc to either be free or clamped; essentially either allowing the tensions among the attached spans to eq.

Installing Optional Plugins in O-Calc Pro

While version 5.0.2 of O-Calc includes a set of plugins, it may be beneficial to add additional functionality by downloading, installing, and enabling plugins that aren’t included with the initial installer.