When creating a plugin, report, or script in O-Calc Pro it is helpful to be able to store information such as state, history, or keys identifying external data sources directly in the PPLX elements. O-Calc Pro provides a mechanism for this in the form of the Working Data Store (WDS).
It is often the case that there might be two (or more) versions of a report in O-Calc Pro. For example a summary version and a detailed version, or a text only version and a version that includes images or charts (see http://o-calcpro.com/wiki/2015/12/03/adding-a-custom-chart-to-a-report/ ). Rather.
In O-Calc Pro there exists the concept of a “Bulk Summary Report”. This is a report where a compact bit of information for each of a collection of poles (as determined through the batch report system) is added to a single report page. This is as opposed to the normal report where each pole is repre.
When using the Google Earth plugin from O-Calc Pro you need to set a few of the options in Google Earth Pro to allow opening a pole from Google Earth.
In a previous posting ( http://o-calcpro.com/wiki/2015/12/02/creating-a-real-report/ ) we saw how to create a simple report. In that case it was the Applied Load report. In this article we are going to extend that report by adding a chart of the heights.
A report was requested that would show all of the applied loads (source loads) applied to a pole. This excludes reactions to the loads so applied by guying are excluded as are the loads generated by the pole itself (wind load, self weight, load from tilt, etc.).
As a more advanced example of an O-Calc Pro plugin, this article describes the ‘Show on Google Earth’ Plugin. First to understand how this particular integration with Google Earth works from a user perspective, have a look at the following video.
This document describes the coordinate conventions used to describe all physical and notional elements in the PPL system. By convention all linear values are in inches and all angular values are in radians.