When creating scripts and plugins it is sometimes convenient to be able to process a tokenized template and fill in selected values from calculated values or form attributes on the structure.
O-Calc Pro allows the use of scripting to automate repetitive tasks, to perform structure verifications, and for other tasks. The use of the scripting system is covered in detail in the manual, through training videos, and in other articles. The purpose of this article is to detail the steps involv.
The default O-Calc Pro Plugin template will create a message box showing the message “Hello World”. Below are some explanations of the various code components of this simple plugin example.
The default O-Calc Pro Report template will create a simple report with default header and a single table of pole capacity utilization values. Below are some explanations of the various code components of this simple report example.
O-Calc Pro provides a complete set of routines for performing all of the units conversion that might be required by O-Calc developers.
When creating O-Calc scripts and plugins it is often the case that the developer / user would like to be able to perform operations on a large number of poles in a batch operation, perhaps as an un-attended operation. The O-Calc scripting and plugins API provides a convenient way to allow this to b.