O-Calc Pro | User Defined HTML Reporting Plugin
The User Defined HTML Reporting plugin allows a user to easily build a report using HTML codes and prewritten parameters called “Tokens.” Once a report is created, it can be easily added to Batch Pole Reporting.
To activate the User Defined HTML reporting plugin, complete the following steps:
- Open the Options menu and select the Manage Plugins option. Check the box for the User defined HTML reporting plugin and click the Apply button. Select Yes to restart the application and apply your changes.
- Open any pplx file for use with this example.
- Go to the Reports tab, select Custom Reports, and click Custom HTML Reports.
Report Editor
The Custom HTML Reports opens a window called the Report Editor.
File Menu
4. Click the File menu in the Report Editor window. Select the New option.
New – Creates a new HTML report.
Open – Opens previously saved file.
Save – Saves the currently opened file.
Save As – Creates new copy of the file under a new name or different location.
Exit – Closes Report Editor Window
Definition - The Definition tab is where the code is displayed and edited for the new HTML file.
Preview - The Preview tab is where an example of the final report is displayed. The information used in the report in the Preview is taken from an opened pplx file with a load case.
If a new HTML report is made without a pplx file opened, the HTML template still appears, however an error message appears in the Preview tab instead.
Tokens - The Tokens Tab provides a list of prewritten parameters with a simple description of what it adds to the report. These tokens can be copied and pasted into the Definitions tab to appear in the desired order in the report Preview.
Preview – Directs you to the preview tab.
Show PDF – Opens the Preview as a PDF.
Show HTML in Browser – Opens the Preview in a web browser.
Examine Resulting HTML – Opens the HTML code in the Notepad app.
HTML Tags – Opens osmose.com/o-calc/help, where a link that leads to a detailed chart of HTML Tags including examples and descriptions is available.
Introduction – Opens a YouTube video created by the ocalcproinfo account that goes through a quick introduction on HTML Reports.