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Wood Pole Restoration

Osmose pole restoration systems provide reliable, long-term solutions for extending service life. Osmose restoration systems:

  • Restore poles to code-mandated strength
  • Add decades of service life
  • Save you money - pole restoration is often one-third or less than the cost of replacement
  • Improve structural resiliency of the grid
  • Help you avoid the hassle of replacement, which includes change-outs, transfers, double wood, and service interruptions

As a world leader in wood pole inspection and restoration, Osmose technicians are experts at evaluating a pole’s remaining strength and suitability for restoration.

This includes using preservatives to control decay and protect the remaining serviceable wood to ensure the longevity of the newly-restored pole and the overall integrity of your plant.


Below 2/3 of NESC required structure strength, poles must be restored or replaced.

Restoration can bring poles back above code compliance for 1/3 or less of the replacement cost.

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Pole restoration extends useful life and can be funded with 100% capital dollars without any O&M expense. Contact your local Osmose professional to learn more.


Restore vs. Replace


If a pole’s strength falls below code requirements due to decay or damage, the pole is considered a “reject” and must be restored or replaced. In the United States, utilities generally follow minimum criteria established by the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) or California’s General Order 95 (GO95) by restoring or replacing a pole that is evaluated to have less than 67% of its original bending strength.

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Osmose Truss Systems


When bending loads are applied to a reinforced pole, they are transferred to the truss. The truss allows the bending loads to effectively bypass the decayed or damaged groundline area of the pole, transferring the loads to sound wood foundation below ground.


Long-lasting Impact

On average, Osmose trusses can extend the useful life of wood poles by 30 years or more. Osmose truss systems are engineered for safety and reliability, and have been thoroughly tested and proven throughout their 55-year history. No other pole restoration system has a comparable history of success in actual field applications.

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Trussing Options

The patented C2-Truss systems restore common distribution size poles with an optimized design that provides a more efficient, lighter weight, lower cost truss. The Osmo-C-Truss systems typically restore transmission and larger distribution-size poles.

Truss solutions can be adapted based on pole conditions. For more advanced decay (thinner shell applications), double trusses can be utilized. For decay that has progressed beyond standard installation heights, a taller truss is the best solution.

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Tough Truss® Extra

Tough Truss Extra upgrading and restoring system for common sizes of distribution wood utility poles. This new solution from Osmose not only restores decayed poles to code-mandated strength like regular trusses but also upgrades the structure’s bending capacity at the same time.

A Few Benefits of the Tough Truss Extra:

  • Improves the structure’s bending capacity to a single class
    upgraded equivalent
  • Decayed poles are restored to the code-mandated strength
    required of a single class upgrade
  • Designed for common distribution size wood poles