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Pole Restoration - Trusses & Banding

Osmose pole restoration products are designed to restore poles weakened by decay or other damage so that they meet or exceed structural strength requirements, including NESC, CSA, and GO95. Osmose trussing systems have been extensively tested and proven throughout their 50-year history.  Tests have been conducted by Osmose, independent laboratories, and pole owners in the United States and other countries. Pole restoration is often one-third or less of the cost of pole replacement. A successful program can save a utility millions of dollars in unnecessary replacement costs and provide many more years of service life to older, weakened poles. Osmose truss systems restore in excess of the required strength in the groundline section of a pole for a fraction of the cost of pole replacement.  In suburban or urban locales, the savings may be very significant. 

Tough Truss® Upgrade

The Tough Truss Upgrade works in conjunction with sound wood poles to create a combined bending capacity greater than the original pole.

Upgrade Capacity with the Tough Truss Upgrade:

  • Upgrade pole bending capacity by an equivalent 1, 2, 3, or more classes
  • Save money – the cost of upgrading is often 1/3 or less than the cost of replacement
  • Avoid the extra effort and delays associated with coordinating change-outs
  • Upgrade an entire line without service interruption

Extensive testing has verified the theoretical expectations of the Tough Truss Upgrade design, and Mother Nature has been putting it to the test since the early 2000's.

Whether a pole owner is looking to correct overloaded poles or simply add bending capacity to improve structural resilience to extreme weather, the Tough Truss Upgrade is a proven lower cost alternative to pole replacement.

Tough Truss® Extra

Tough Truss Extra upgrading and restoring system for common sizes of distribution wood utility poles. This solution from Osmose not only restores decayed poles to code-mandated strength like regular trusses but also upgrades the structure’s bending capacity at the same time.

A Few Benefits of the Tough Truss Extra:

  • Improves the structure’s bending capacity to a single class
    upgraded equivalent
  • Decayed poles are restored to the code-mandated strength
    required of a single class upgrade
  • Designed for common distribution size wood poles

Tough Truss® Core

The latest patented design extension of the Tough Truss family, the Tough Truss Core, restores strength to poles weakened in the groundline zone due to decay or damage and does not meet structural requirements. Its dynamic design allows it to fit on a greater number of poles.

Advantages of the Tough Truss Core:

  • Fast installation, reducing risk on pole plants
  • Used on poles considered unrestorable due to obstruction
  • No service interruptions or outages required
  • Often one-third of cost savings than replacement costs

The Osmo-C-Truss  is most often used for poles taller than 60 feet while the Osmo-C2-Truss has become the most widely used option for distribution applications.


The Osmo-C-Truss is formed from 80,000 psi yield steel and is installed to exceed the strength requirements of the NESC.  The design of the C-Truss® system and the installation tools allow it to maintain positive contact with the pole butt below ground, insuring transfer of loads during bending.


The Osmo-C2-Truss (C2-Truss®) is lighter, stronger, and less expensive, making it the ideal choice for reinforcing distribution poles.  The optimized truss design provides the highest strength-to-weight ratio in the industry at a much lower cost than other systems. 

C2-Truss Features:

  • Reduced rotation - the patented design enables the C2-Truss to minimize twisting (when under extreme transverse wind loads) that can reduce the performance of other truss shapes
  • Engineered for safety & reliability - the C2-Truss sizes can be matched efficiently to exceed the strength requirements of structure strength requirements, including NESC, CSA, and GO95.
  • Higher yield strength steel - higher strength steel combined with an optimized design results in a high strength-to-weight ratio that helps to reduce the overall weight and cost
  • Low profile - the unique design of the C2-Truss results in a lower profile on the pole
  • Longer lengths for high decay - the standard truss extends five feet above ground. Single piece trusses are available for applications up to eight feet above ground.  Solutions that extend beyond eight feet above ground can be manufactured upon request

Banding & Seals

With over 138,000 psi tensile strength, Osmose truss banding is stronger than other banding systems in the industry.  Our banding is two-inch, hot-dip galvanized steel, meaning it meets ASTM A-123 standards for long-term corrosion resistance. Depending on the weight and nature of the load, our galvanized seals are offered in single-band, and double-band for added strength and security.

Installation Equipment

Osmose offers both a pneumatic and a manual installation system.