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Safety Sets the Pace
The Osmose Safety Culture

At Osmose, we prefer to talk about our safety culture rather than our safety program.  A safety program implies a set of rules that people are required to follow, often reluctantly.  A safety culture implies that safety is a way of life at Osmose, and it absolutely is.  It’s how we think and how we approach our jobs every day, not because that’s what is required, but because that’s who we are.

Safety is a condition of employment at Osmose.  Over the past 20 years, we’ve worked diligently to establish a culture of safety by making safety an integral part of everything we do.  As you’ll see in many of the statistics below, we’ve achieved excellent results and we’ll keep doing everything in our power to ensure this culture and our safety performance persist.


Safety Performance

  • 21 of our crews have exceeded 100,000 safe hours.  To put this achievement into perspective, that’s the equivalent of an individual working for 50 years without a recordable injury or chargeable vehicle claim (CVC).
  • Though CVCs are not OSHA indices, they are important to us.  Driving is risky and it’s our single largest exposure with a fleet logging more than 22 million miles each year.  We typically experience a CVC only once every 500,000 miles – that’s like circumventing the globe 20 times without an accident.

Monthly Safety Tip


Are You Prepared for an Emergency?

Emergencies in the workplace cannot be completely eliminated, but if you have an emergency action plan in place and have trained workers to respond quickly and appropriately, you can optimize efficiency, relieve anxiety, and in some cases, save lives.

  • Is there a means of reporting emergencies and accounting for personnel after an incident?
  • Who is the person responsible for decision-making during emergency conditions?
  • Does everyone know the procedures to follow in various emergency scenarios (e.g. fire, chemical spill, weather emergency, etc.)? Do crew members know where emergency supplies are located?
  • Does everyone know how to respond in the event of a medical emergency?
  • Is anyone on the crew trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid?
  • Have workers practiced using the fire extinguishers so that they’re aware of their operation and limitations? Have the fire extinguishers received an annual inspection within the last year? (They must be tagged to indicate the recharge or inspection date.)
  • Have workers been properly trained in how to respond safely to a chemical spill?

Once you have established an emergency action plan, make sure everyone is trained (and retrained annually) in the possible emergencies they may encounter, the emergency procedures they should follow, any first aid or rescue procedures, and the location of emergency response equipment and phone numbers.